Yeah!! Today is officially the First Day of Summer!!! I'm so happy. I love this time of year. Ideally, I wish I was off of work/school for the summer like the good 'ol times. But, I'm just so thankful for longer days and just the warmth of the sun. Thank you Lord for seasons!!
Well today Jamie got a job!! Thank goodness. I'm just glad he'll have something to do. Poor guy has been pretty bored. I've been so spoiled though b/c our apt is clean, laundry is done, and dinner is on the table when I get home from work. I'm not sure I'm going to like him going back to work. :) He got a job as a salesman at a carpet store. It's not the "ideal" job, but I think he'll be happy to be working w/ and around people.
Work has been extra busy this week b/c of our higher rate of volunteers coming in; which is a great thing to have!!! But since the lady who is usually in charge of the volunteers is in India for the next few weeks, I've been put in charge. It's not hard, it's just takes a little more time. So, needless to say, this week has flown by. Although today definitely felt like a Friday.
I'm ready for the weekend!!
Tonight, Jamie went to Clint & Ter's church to hear one of his profs speak about Immigration. I opted to come hang out at the coffee shop and download songs from ITunes.
I've been around people all week, and Jamie hasn't been around anyone. So we'll both get our fix.
So it looks like we're gonna moving in late July. We found a cute condo in Highlands Ranch (it's SE from where we live now). We'll be renting it from a lady I work with. Deena will be moving in w/ us as she gets her feet planted here in Denver. Plus, now she'll have a place to come home too when she gets back from Jordan.
I can't wait to get pic's and put them up. It's an adorable place!!
Well, tomorrow is my long run. I guess I'll run to Clement Park and then finish up my 9.5 miles running around the large pond. I think I'll have Jamie pick me up after the run. I'm not excited to run, but I am excited to see if I can actually do this!
Jamie has been my biggest fan. There's been a few times where I've questioned myself, "what's the point in knowing you can run 13.1 miles??". But he pointed out the fact that once you set goals and accomplish them, it shows you CAN follow through on things. Plus, it's good to finish what you start.