Here's a few pictures to give you all an update...

(12.12.08 - this is us for our "traditional" family picture in front of the mantel) :)

(our sweet tree we got from Craig's List for a great price. It stands 7.5 feet high and
4 feet wide!!)

(12.13.08 - at Joy's work party. We're wearing our Christmas ties that we got from the thrift store. Apparently we didn't get the memo that it was formal dress attire that night. oops.) :)

(12.16.08 - We went to Copper Mtn so Jamie could learn to ski. Up until the day before we left, I was planning to ski too, but we (unfortunately and fortunately) went to our regular doctors appointment for a baby check-up and they pretty much kicked that idea out the door. :( I went ahead and went w/ the group so I could hang out, but it was still hard not be out on the slopes. Jamie did a great job (thanks Chris)!! Check out his skiing video on his facebook. The good thing is, now we'll be able to ski as a family in the future!!)

(Jamie looking like a pro already!)
(friends from church that we went skiing with: Crissie, Chris, Tim, Allison, Peter (Tim's brother visiting for the weekend)
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