
It's Time

Breeson is now 7 months old. I officially stopped breastfeeding and pumping December 31st. I never thought I was going to pump as long as I did. It's all thanks to Ashley - when she told me how much they were spending on formula, we decided to keep pumping!! Well, that was a few months ago.
Now, Breeson is taking a bottle with partial breast milk, mainly b/c I still have some in the freezer. But he's no longer feeding off of me. I'm not really glad nor sad. If anything, I'm just super sore.
Anyone have advice to help me not be so sore? I may need to call the doctor. I bought cabbage leaves and they help alleviate the pain, but only for a few seconds. I try not to pump, but after 10 hours, I'm VERY sore. I'm popping Ibuprofen about every 8 hours. I pump just enough to help me not be so sore, but I think it's just prolonging the process of getting rid of my milk supply.
What do I do?

Anywho, I also put another new post below...


Aunnie said...

Hey I recommend a hot shower and hand exppressing. It relieves the pressure without increasing the supply. A heating pad wrapped in a towel can provide some relief also, take your bra off and let it flow. A decongestant like sudafed might also help to dry you out a little faster.

Michele said...

I agree w/ your friend Andrea. But gradually weaning down can help too...plus, you may notice your hormones going crazy really soon. Letting Breeson nurse once and awhile or pumping some off and on will tell your body to slow down on the milk supply. It takes about 2 weeks in my exp. I have been weaning Leighton over that last month. Good luck.

the smiths said...

Wear a tight fitting sports bra 24-7! And I kept pumping just a little because stopping cold turkey sets you up for mastitis, which I got and it was NOT fun! I tried the cabbage but it smelled sooooo bad and didn't help that much, for me! And, I know it's not really encouraging but it took a good month for me to stop producing. I was nursing/pumping all the time, so I was producing a lot. Like you. So it might take a while. But the pain will go away eventually! Maybe by may??? ;)