We started our search for a house. We've only looked at one house so far. We're planning on looking at another one tonight, then more on Saturday.
It's overwhelming how many houses there are, yet at the same time, not much too choose from. It's amazing to see how people live.
Jamie and I have two different ideas on what we want. He would prefer to just move in and make some small improvements. I would like a house that we can re-do. I like to see the "before" and "after" on houses. (I've watched too many home makeover shows!)So, we'll just have to compromise!!
A part of the problem is that the price for houses here in Denver don't allow you to get much for your money.
The things we do agree on are:
1. safe neighborhood (duh!)
2. good location (Jamie works on the SW side of Denver and I work on the SE side of Denver)
3. fenced-in yard (we want a dog really bad)
4. a house w/ at least 2 bathrooms. Those are hard to find.
5. a house w/ a basement (this is a wish - so we'll see if it happens)
Breeson news:
Breeson's sleep schedule has been a lot better the last few nights. Although, he STILL hasn't slept through the night...and he's 7+ months old. Ugh.
Ashley is sending me Baby Wise. I had heard too many bad things about it, so I didn't even attempt to use it. But I'm at my wits end - nothing else has worked either, so i figure, why not give it a try. What can it hurt!?!
The one good thing is, the last few nights he's reverted back to sleeping longer like he did when he was a baby :-), a newborn. But now, we are not allowing him to eat until at least 5 a.m. He still wakes up between now and then, but we just try and make him go back to sleep w/out eating. Last night, he got up at 1ish, 2ish and 4:15. I was tempted to let him eat at 4:15, but then figured if I do that, he'll just get the idea that he can eat when he cries a lot. So I held my ground and he finally fell back to sleep. Jamie got up at 5:30 to feed him when we heard him cry.
Someday it'll happen...someday...
EXCITING!! and in my opinion babywise works, or maybe i should say at least for us. I would definitely try it out! if you have any questions i would be more than happy to try and answer them for you. Let me know how it goes!
Hang in there. It took Lo forever to figure it out. But I think you are already doing the right thing. I believe at this age it is a self-soothing problem that they have to work out on their own! Not a eating issue. I don't know what you are doing or not doing, but how early/late do you put him to bed? It sounds crazy but the early they go down the LONGER they sleep. Sometimes ppl think if they put the baby down at 10 then they will sleep til 8...actually works in reverse...all of our problems changed once we started putting Lo down at around 730p. Good luck!
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