
1 month...already!?

It's crazy to think Eagan's already 1 month old. It's amazing how time can stand still yet fly by at the same time.

At 1 month...
  • he demands to eat every 3 hrs during the day (I put him on a timed schedule - he would eat sooner than that if I let him).
  • sleeps during the day a lot still (thankfully!)
  • goes anywhere from 3-7 hr stretches during the night
  • LOVES to be held - but I'm trying to slowly break him of that. I can't get anything done if I'm constantly holding him. Seems to be more of a cuddler than B was/is.
  • Probably weighs more than 8 lbs now.
  • Definitely has brown eyes (I was always hoping one of my kids would get Jamie's green eyes - but my Asian influence is dominant)

(exercising my lungs...because mommy won't hold me)

1 month old also means I head back to work soon. :-(


Mae said...

He is adorable =)!!

kkp said...

i'll come over and hold him!!