
"Winner, winner chicken dinner"

...or should I say, "Winner, winnner PF Changs dinner".

Well the winner is...drum roll please...
Clint and Theresa!! They lost a whopping 39 lbs combined. That is double the amount of weight we lost. ;)
Together, Jamie and I lost an even 20 lbs. Jamie lost 11 and I lost 9.
The losers have to take the winners to PF Changs for dinner.
Since Jamie and I (obviously) have more to lose, we'll be eating salad and water while they splurge. HA!!

I am almost back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I'm currently at 128. The problem is, my body is so different than it was before, even though I'm close to the same weight. For those of you who've had a baby...you know what I'm talking about. The major difference is that prior to pregnancy, I was running A LOT. In fact, I had just finished my first 1/2 marathon when we found out I was prego. I was a lot more fit and in-shape; all that to say, I've still got some work ahead of me. Jamie's not too far from his goal weight. He can still lose a few lbs. We'll keep working on it. Our next goal in mind is to have lost a few more by Christmas. I am not complaining about my weight right now. In fact, I'm okay with it. I just need to tone up, you know, start the ab workouts. :( No fun.

Oh and sorry I never took pic's last night. Since I didn't take any BEFORE pic's, I figured what would be the point in taking AFTER pic's. Oh well...

1 comment:

the smiths said...

I'm so with you on the body looking differently post-preggo. It's a little crazy how the weight can be nearly the same, yet the body look so flubbery! Anyway, good job on losing so much to all of you! I'm impressed!!!