Jeepers Creepers...It's hard to believe we're already ending
the 2nd trimester and about to begin the 3rd.
As of Friday, I turned 27 weeks.
This coming Thursday I go to the doctor for the 2nd time this pregnancy!!
the 2nd trimester and about to begin the 3rd.
As of Friday, I turned 27 weeks.
This coming Thursday I go to the doctor for the 2nd time this pregnancy!!
One lady in particular likes to comment in a very opinionated fashion her view of my size and my clothes. She was the first to argue that I could possibly be carrying twins, and that was much earlier in my pregnancy. Then just a couple days ago, she stopped me and said, "that outfit you wore last week was very flattering, but today, well not so much..." (along with a shake of her head of disapproval) as she walked off.
She is an older lady and I've had ladies tell me that when they were pregnant a couple decades ago, they did their best not to show their pregnancy.
Eh...I just have to let those kind of things roll off my back...or maybe my belly!! ;)
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