

Look who finally joined the 21st century?!! I know what you must be thinking...what is that thing? And what do you do with it?
Well my friends, it's an iPhone. Not only can you talk to people on it, but you can look up information, send messages, listen to music and even see people face-to-face. Amazing, right?! My old phone, which was sadly thrown out, on accident mind you, while on vacation was just a cellular device in which talking and texting occured. None of that fancy shmanshy stuff.

So, go see if you can find one of these for yourself. Although they may be hard to find. I'm probably one of the first people on this earth to buy and use of these new fangled devices.

Not to brag, but I'm such a trend-setter...  

1 comment:

The Boccias said...

I'm jealous! When I accidentally threw my phone in the washing machine, I just got to replace it with another crappy phone! :) Enjoy!