

The sex of this baby:
"To find out or not find out??" - that is the question

Or should we just have another "Pat" like we did with Breeson?


Mae said...


Michele said...

find out find out find out!!!
I know you said you want a girl and you would be "disappointed" if it were another boy...that is how I felt too, but believe me by the time he gets here you will be "over it." It took me nearly 5 months to get on board with a boy, but now I am excited. And if it IS a girl...you can start getting all things girly!!
Ok my two cents. Just do it. ;)

Ginger said...

Since you already have two votes one way, I have to say DON'T find out! :) That moment is so awesome, when the doc says "it's a ____!" :) and at that moment, you won't be disappointed, regardless of which it is. :) But do what you want to do - everyone is different! :)

The Boccias said...

Find out. Patty or Patrick, let's go. :)

Ashley Davis said...

I say find out, but not tell anyone anything! :)