
I finally put away all of my maternity clothes yesterday. I now have a little more room in the closet. I'm not really sure what to do with them. I figure the next time we get pregnant, the styles will have changed (not that I was completely stylish during my pregnancy!!), but then again...maybe I should keep them just in case some of them are and we won't have to re-buy the clothes. If by keeping them, are we setting ourselves up?? Yikes.

I've now been back to work (full-time) for 2 days. It kind of feels longer than that. ?? Not sure why. It's actually gone okay. I enjoyed my job before I left on maternity leave, and I enjoy it now. It's a great cause - but even more than that, I enjoy the people I work with. God has really blessed me with a great work family.

Jamie has been surviving being the stay-at-home dad. I'm so appreciative of him doing it - not because he has too, but because he does it without grumbling or complaining. We're both looking at it right now as God's blessing that he gets to spend so much time with his son. Not a lot of dad's get to do that. Although, we will admit that we'll be praising Jesus just as much when He opens the door for a job/ministry position. Until then...

Jamie and I have this deal where every other day, we each get to leave or do whatever we want for an hour and a half. We started our new deal yesterday. This week, Jamie gets Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I'm on for Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. It allows each of us to just go off and get some downtime. For me, since I'm the one gone all day at work, I probably won't the entire time. It's kind of sad to think I only see Breeson for about 3 - 3 1/2 hrs after I get home from work before he goes to bed. Plus, it's sometimes hard to catch up life with Jamie when we're taking care of Breeson in the evenings. When we go to bed we don't stay up too long talking b/c we're so tired. And the cycle starts all over again the next morning!! But, all in all, it's a good idea for us to each "get away" and catch up on our sanity.

Tonight, I went jogging for the first time since pre-pregnancy days. I ran for 1 mile. I will build slowly back up. I didn't want to overdue it. I'll probly be sore tomorrow as it is. Which reminds me, I need to stretch again. I would like to be back to running at least 3-5 miles in a few months. I'm in no rush and I don't plan to kill myself to get there.


the smiths said...

I like the idea of giving each other set time away...Also, I'm impressed you are putting your clothes away so soon! You are fitting back into your other clothes already?!? Not surprising-but soooo not fair! ;)

Ashley Davis said...

haha, i agree with sam!!

all my maternity clothes, or the winter ones, are under my bed. i hope they stay there for a LOOOOOONG time.

working and being a mom- i'm so proud of you! i hope you're getting some rest!