

Breeson's 2 months old today. Earlier in the week, we went and visited some friends who just had a baby girl, Catherine Honey, whom they call "Honey Cate". She was so tiny and delicate. Breeson sitting next to her looked like a monster truck. My baby is getting big. :(

We accomplished two major things this past month: 1.) Breeson's now on the bottle and takes it very well, and 2.) he now goes to bed without us holding/rocking him to sleep. In the beginning, both were very hard, but with a lot of determination and support from one another, Jamie and I have survived. Thankfully, Breeson has no problem taking a bottle while I'm gone during the day at work. In fact, he takes it so well that he is beginning to refuse breastfeeding at night and in the mornings. He pretty much only drinks from me in the dead of the night when he's too tired to fight it. It's crazy?! You would think the nipple would always win over a bottle. Who knew?!
As for the 'going to bed on his own', he's doing okay. The first couple of nights were the hardest, both on Breeson and on us. But the next couple of nights that followed, he went to sleep without crying at all. One night this past week, Breeson and I were out late b/c of a baby shower that some friends threw for me, so that threw him off-schedule. The last couple of nights he's cried when he went to bed. Last night though he cried for about 20 minutes when I finally went in and gently put my hand on his chest and talked to him in his ear (w/out picking him up) and he immediately went to sleep. Poor little guy - he just wanted someone close. :( Broke my heart.

As for the fun things...he is "talking" much more and he's really starting to make eye-contact. It's fun to see him smile and hear him coo.
I still get up and feed him during the night, but it's pretty consistent that he gets up around 2ish and goes right back to sleep after eating. I'm okay with that. I'm just thankful he goes back to sleep after eating.

I'll try and take some pic's and post them on here.

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