
Pie vs. Cobbler - Pie wins!

Last night, we had some dear friends over for dinner. I had several peaches that needed to be used up. On FB I wrote on my "status", Peach Pie or Peach Cobbler?. I think I got 15 responses and everyone voted I should make Peach Cobbler. Well, I had already started making the pie when Jamie informed me about this. So, needless to say, Peach Pie won out in the end, even with everyone voting for the cobbler. I felt very Betty Crockerish.
The crust was even made from scratch too! In the end, the pie was/is pretty tasty, if I do say so myself.

In other news, here's B sporting different looks...

1 comment:

Yvonne said...

The Pie looks looks great!

and Breeson looks more like his daddy with his hair out of the way.