
Toddler Bed vs. Twin Size Bed

So we're contemplating on changing Breeson out of his crib sooner rather than later. Sooner so that we don't have to deal with him trying to climb out and so that he's completely used to the idea before #2 gets here in May.

Any suggestions/tips on this from all of you mothers who have recently dealt with this?
Should we just jump to a twin size bed and put up rails rather than investing in a toddler bed. I lean more on that idea only b/c he'll eventually outgrow the toddler bed and that's more $$ in the long run.

The cost is pretty much the same. When looking at toddler and twin bed frames via Craigslist - they're close in price. So that's not the issue. But I like how a toddler bed is smaller and takes up less room - especially since he doesn't need the size of a twin bed right now. Since our house is small, the rooms are small. Thus limiting our space; having the toddler size bed in this time in our lives would save room.

So there are pro's/con's to each...


Unknown said...

Crib mattress on the floor?? lol ok prob a bad idea, but a space saver! Well seriously my 2 year old niece loves her twin bed, and it does seem like a better cost in the long run.

Michele said...

Well, I am sucking it up on getting Lo into a toddler bed. Too tired to fight her currently and since Micah is itty bitty he will stay with me for about 4 mo anyways. ALL that said, if you have the space go w/ the twin. We had to go w/ the toddler b/c of space, which stinks b/c we already had a twin bed. :( Good luck on the transition. Wish I could help you there.

Unknown said...

oooh this is a toughie. my 2-year old's crib converts into a toddler bed so that's what we're using now. how long would your son use the toddler bed for? if you bought a toddler bed, baby #2 would be able to use it to, so even though you'd have to buy the toddler bed, it would get 2 users. toddler beds are also lower to the ground--my son has even fallen out of IT before...so maybe a lower to the ground option is better, too...i don't think i'm helping much. eek sorry!