
Beware: rambling/complaining may occur

This post may not be very exciting. It's me just updating it for the sake of updating. It's been a LONG Wednesday. This morning B woke up pretty early (not exactly sure how early b/c the monitor went on the fritz and I just turned it off). I finally rolled out of bed around 6ish b/c I knew he had already been up for a while. I think the hard part about him being in his new bed is teaching him to go back to sleep even if he gets up early. So far, it hasn't happened. :( When he was in his crib, he couldn't go anywhere - he just had to stay there 'til we got him out, and sometimes that helped him go back to sleep for a little while.

But here he is...(taken on the first night of him sleeping in his bed)

So needless to say, today we started off pretty early. And to add to it, he must have woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I'm pretty sure before 7 am hit, we had dealt with several tantrums and timeouts. Ugh. I finally made him go back to bed, hoping he'd fall back to sleep, but instead I fell asleep on the floor by his bed and he just laid there and talked to himself. He did however stay in his bed the entire time. He has been good about that.
Because we were getting on each others nerves and my patience was running thin, I decided to get him (more for myself) out of the house. We ran to Chick-fil-a b/c they were serving free breakfast. It was good to let him eat and play a little. However, it still didn't help much b/c even there and at Target, he still threw more fits.
I finally took him home where he and I took a good nap.
That helped a lot!!

These were taken the other day. I was trying to teach him when things are "full" and "empty".

I got some curtains made for the den/family room. And, I was able to snag this great dresser from a friend who is selling her house. What's awesome is it has a lot of shelves/drawers in the cabinet area for our movies and games. Plus, I love how the TV and DVD player (and yes that is a VCR!!!) our of the reach of little hands.

Jamie takes his big test this weekend (for Ordination) - so this week has been filled with him working and studying. We'll ALL be glad when it's over!! Pray for him if you think of us this weekend. He'll be doing it over the duration of Friday-Sunday (possibly?).

Pregnancy wise, I'm doing alright. I'm pretty much out of shape. It's hard to find time to exercise. Ok, who am I kidding. It's hard to find motivation to exercise. I may need to consider giving up sweets for Lent. We go this coming Monday to meet our midwife and to do a tour of the hospital. Oh, so this time around I plan to go all-natur-al baby. Yikes. And as of right now, we are continuing to wait to find out the sex of the baby. Not by choice. I called today and they earliest they can get me an ultrasound is not until April. Um. I deliver in May!! :)

Can you believe it's already time for Daylight Savings this Sunday!?!? It probly won't be too hard to adjust too since B likes to already get up early.

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